About Bitcoin Champion

What is the Bitcoin Champion Cloud?

Bitcoin and the rest of the cryptocurrency markets have seen unprecedented gains since their introduction to traders worldwide. This new asset class has made many investors who got in early quite wealthy. Since Bitcoin was introduced at the start of 2009 the asset has skyrocketed to a record high value of $20,000. In 2017 the value of Bitcoin increased by 959.32%, dwarfing growth in the stock market during that same period.

Fortunately, you do not have to feel like you have missed out on anything. Thanks to the continually increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies by the mainstream financial system, cryptocurrency demand has been on the rise which means increasing values. In other words, you still have a lot of opportunities to make plenty of profit through trading cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin Champion is one of the most effective ways to capitalize on this once in a lifetime opportunity in the markets.

Our automated trading software provides traders with the ability to select from over 100 tradable assets. Bitcoin Champion is the winner of numerous industry awards, including being named top trading software by the US Trading Association.

Bitcoin Champion provides top-notch customer service to our users. Our customer service team is professional and highly knowledgeable. They will be ready and able to find solutions to whatever issues you may encounter.

About Us

The Bitcoin Champion team is comprised of professional traders who have committed to offering trading software to the public which would empower traders of all experience levels to make consistent profits from trading cryptocurrency markets. Each member of our team has worked many years for other companies, making those companies quite wealthy from their trading expertise.

The team behind the Bitcoin Champion met while at a conference for finance professionals. We realized right away that we shared the same frustrations with the limitations of working with other firms. This is when we all decided to take control of the situation and combine our experience and knowledge, resulting in a new powerful trading software application – The Bitcoin Champion.